董希勇,男,出生于1989年1月,副教授,Energy Economics、Economic Modelling、 Reourses policy、Finance Research Letters、Financial Innovation、Applied Economics、Emerging Markets、Finance and Trade、Australian Economic Papers、PLOS ONE、Sustainability 等SSCI期刊审稿人;中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会气候金融研究分会理事;International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences等期刊编委,联系方式:xydong@sxu.edu.cn
访学经历:2016年 美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校
博士:2014.03~2019.02 韩国国立釜山大学 经济系
本科:2010.03~2014.02 韩国国立釜山大学 经济系
[1] 董希勇, Yoon, S.-M., Effect of weather and environmental attentions on financial system risks: Evidence from Chinese high- and low-carbon assets. Energy Economics, 2023, 121: 106680. (SSCI)
[2] 董希勇, Xiong, Y., Nie, S., Yoon, S.-M., Can bonds hedge stock market risks? Green bonds vs conventional bonds. Finance Research Letters, 2023, 52: 103367. (SSCI)
[3] 董希勇,Song, L., Yoon, S.-M., How have the dependence structures between stock markets and economic factors changed during the COVID-19 pandemic? North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2021, 58: 101546. (SSCI)
[4] 董希勇, Li, C., Yoon, S.-M., How can investors build a better portfolio in small open economies? Evidence from Asia’s Four Little Dragons. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2021, 58: 101500. (SSCI)
[5] 董希勇, Li, C., Yoon, S.-M., Exogenous shocks, dynamic correlations, and portfolio risk management for the Asian emerging and other global developed and emerging stock markets. Applied Economics, 2020, 52(43): 4745-4764. (SSCI)
[6] 董希勇, Li, C., Yoon, S.-M., Asymmetric dependence structures for regional stock markets: An unconditional quantile regression approach. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2020, 52: 101111. (SSCI)
[7] 董希勇, Yoon, S.-M., What global economic factors drive emerging Asian stock market returns? Evidence from a dynamic model averaging approach. Economic Modelling, 2019, 77: 204-215. (SSCI)
[8] 董希勇, Yoon, S.-M., Structural breaks, dynamic correlations, and hedge and safe havens for stock and foreign exchange markets in Greater China. World Economy, 2018, 41(10): 2783-2803. (SSCI)
[9] 董希勇, Yoon, S.-M., Analysis of dynamic correlation among the Greater China stock markets. International Area Studies Review, 2015, 19(4): 77-97.
[10] 董希勇, Yoon, S.-M., Analysis of the causal relationship between income inequality and inflation in China. The Journal of China Studies, 2015, 18: 85-110.
[1] 山西省社科联重点课题项目
[2] 山西省留学人员科技活动择优资助项目
[3] 山西省高等学校哲学社会科学研究项目
[4] 山西省回国留学人员科研资助项目
[1] 2018年度在韩优秀国家公派留学人员奖
[2] 2017年度在韩优秀国家公派留学人员奖(人文社会类学术第一名)
[3] 荣获国家公派出国留学博士研究生资格